Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The 50s

I've recently started working out with a great trainer, a Mr. Jose Rivera from Professional Fitness at the Gold's Gym in Somerville. This guy kills me, literally... takes me to the point where I just want to die, then pushes me along it and shows me that the body is stronger than the mind. We've set a few great goals for me, since I'd like to get into shape for Rugby in a few months.

He devised a great wake up and go routine for me, as "conditioning maintenance". He calls it, the 50s. It's a pretty simple concept that on paper sounds easy...
Simple, right? Well, after years behind a desk, I can assure you that it is in fact KILLER (For me at least). The crunches and squats are fine, yeah, tiring, but pretty quickly banged out. It's those pushups. I'm at the point where I can do the first 25, then I quickly break down. The last 5 or so of the 5 are sometimes in groups of 1-2 at a time.

Do this 4-5 times a week, and you'll start getting results, in at least squatting, crunches, and pushups. I guarantee it!

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